
For Free Update.

Jumat, 05 Desember 2014



Saat ini banyak bermunculan media sosial dimasyarakat, namun media sosial tersebut kurang dimanfaatan. media sosial seharusnya berfungsi sebagai penghubung antara sosialisasi masyarakat dengan dunia pendidikan agar para siswa dan siswi memiliki pengetahuan dan relasi yang lebih banyak. namun nyatanya dalam kehidupan kita media sosial ini masih disalah artikan oleh masyarakat atau bersifat negatif dari segi apapun baik dari segi publik maupun segi pendidikan

  • Membuat waktu terbuang dengan sia-sia.  Sudah beberapa  waktu saya mengamati perilaku pengguna jejaring sosial dengan berinteraksi secara intensif dengan beberapa users. Satu pertanyaan yang sering hinggap di benak saya adalah bagaimana user tersebut bisa online terus padahal secara teori mereka seharusnya sedang bekerja, istirahat tidur malam hari, ataupun sedang beribadah. Tidak jarang interaksi saya lakukan dengan mereka yang sudah bekeluarga sehingga tidak jarang saya berpikir bagaimana mereka mengatur interaksi dengan keluarga mereka kalau setiap saat waktunya dihabiskan dengan melototi layar komputer dan keyboard smartphonenya. Saya mengakui jika sebagian orang memang memanfaatkan jejaring sosial sebagai media bisnis mereka. Namun bagi mereka yang hanya sekedar bercengkerama di jejaring sosial tanpa tujuan yang pasti selain ngobrol ngalor ngidul bukankah itu merupakan pembuangan waktu secara sia-sia. Dari contoh tersebut secara tidak langsung jejaring sosial mulai menyandera waktu kita sehingga membuat diri kita tidak produktif dalam berkarya ataupun melakukan hal-hal positif lainnya. 
  • Menambah beban pengeluaran. Keberadaan jejearing sosial yang menjadi bagian dari kehidupan manusia modern sehingga kepemilikan akun salah satu jejaring sosial seolah menjadi WAJIB hukumnya. Nah implikasi yang muncul adalah harus adanya alat yang bisa dipergunakan untuk akses media sosial tersebut seperti komputer dan handphone. Namun, perlu dicatat alat saja belum cukup tanpa terhubung dengan fasilitas internet. Walhasil seorang user media sosial harus merogoh kocek lebih banyak untuk biaya menggunakan media sosial tersebut. Yang menjadikan diri saya sedih adalah melihat kenyataan jika user media sosial lebih memprioritaskan keberlangsungan penggunaan media sosial dengan mengorbankan kebutuhan lain yang lebih utama seperti makan, minum, pendidikan dll.
  • Mengganggu konsentrasi belajar. Selain menyia-nyiakan waktu, penggunaan media sosial secara berlebih juga mengganggu konsentrasi belajar. Secara rutin saya mengamati posting wall teman-teman di media sosial mereka. Tidak sedikit mereka mengeluhkan kegiatan sekolah ataupun kuliah. Kemudian saya berpikir mengapa mereka tidak posting masalah kuliahnya untuk memohon bantuan teman-teman di jejaring sosial daripada mengeluarkan keluhan?
  • Mengancam keamanan diri. Tidak jarang saya membaca di media online atau cetak korban dari pertemanan di media sosial yang secara umum disebut penipuan. Dengan media sosial dengan mudah kita memiliki banyak teman dan menjadi akrab meskipun belum pernah bertemu sebelumnya. Secara umum sangat susah menilai orang yang dikenal di media sosial jika informasi yang diberikan tidak akurat alias bohong. Dari pengamatan saya, tidak sedikit dari pengguna media sosial berlaku curang dengan menggunakan foto orang lain atau foto bohong dengan tujuan memikat orang lain. Melalui contoh tersebut saya berpikir jika semakin banyak kita memiliki teman melalui media sosial yang tidak jelas maka resiko keamanan diri kita juga semakin meningkat. Kemanan tidak selalu dalam bentuk nyata seperti perampokan dll tetapi juga penyalah gunaan nama kita, identitas lengkap dan foto-foto kita, dan merusak akun kita.  Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya  melihat salah satu  akun sahabat saya diposting dengan gambar norak alias porno yang sangat bertentangan dengan profesi dan status sosialnya. Akhirnya diambil keputusan untuk remove orang tersebut dari pertemanan. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi resiko keamanan diri adalah dengan hati-hati saat approve pertemanan dan memantau akun teman baru secara teratur untuk sementara waktu. 
  • Mengancam kesehatan. Kesehatan adalah karunia yang sangat mahal tetapi seringkali kita tidak peduli dengan kondisi badan kita. Beberapa waktu lalu saya membaca sebuah berita seorang user yang menggunakan media sosial secara berlebih mengeluh karena jari-jarinya sakit akibat terlalu sering memencet tombol keybord Handphonenya. Berita lain saya dapatkan dari teman yang sering mengeluh sakit kepala akibat memelototi komputer secara berlebihan keasyikan begadang di jejaring sosial.

Media sosial selain membawa dampak negatif juga banyak membawa dampak positif
Beberapa media sosial yang telah membawa dampak positif seperti facebook, twitter, dan sebagainya. Berikut adalah salah satu penggunaan media sosial:

  1. Penggunaan media sosial berupa facebook, twitter dan sebagainya dapat digunakan oleh para siswa dan siswi untuk dapat saling berdiskusi dan berkomunikasi dengan gurunya mengenai pelajaran atau sebaliknya guru dapat memberikan informasi-informasi kepada siswa dan siswinya.
  2. Penggunaan media sosial berupa blog seperti, wordpress, blog, multiply, dan blog lainnya dapat digunakan untuk metode pengajaran terhadap siswa dan siswi untuk mengasah softskill. Selain itu blog juga dapat menjadi ajang perlombaan menulis bagi para siswa dan siswi pada pendidikannya masing-masing.

Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014

Beautiful of JKT48

Beautiful of JKT48

JKT48 (read as "J. K. T. Forty-eight") is an Indonesian idol group whose name is derived from its base city of Jakarta and the Japanese idol group AKB48. Group members also use the bacronym "Joyful. Kawaii. Try to be the Best!" for JKT as their slogan. Formed in 2011, it is the first AKB48 sister group outside of Japan and adopts the concept of "idols you can meet". Fans can attend daily performances at the group's theater, which was built as a close replica to the AKB48 Theater in Akihabara.

Producer Yasushi Akimoto decided to bring the AKB48 concept to Indonesia because the group had begun to develop a fan base in the country. Indonesia's growing economy was seen as a potential market by many Japanese companies, and Akimoto established a franchising partnership with Dentsu Media Group Indonesia to replicate the AKB48 business model. Dentsu Media Group Indonesia then cooperate with the country's largest media conglomerate Global Mediacom (MNC Media), the southeast Asia's largest and most integrated media group as JKT48 official media partner.

While JKT48 does not restrict membership by nationality, applicants must be residents of Indonesia. The group has 72 (as of June 2014) members and released its first studio album Heavy Rotation on 16 February 2013 via Hits Records, a division of MNC subsidiary PT Star Media Nusantara. It performs songs by AKB48 and other sister groups that are translated into Indonesian.

In order to bring the concept of AKB48 to Indonesia, producer Yasushi Akimoto and Dentsu Media Group Indonesia partnered with the country's largest media conglomerate Global Mediacom (MNC Media), the southeast Asia's largest and most integrated media group and Japanese electronic commerce company Rakuten

In an interview on CNN's Talk Asia program, Akimoto responded to the question of why he selected Indonesia as the first target of AKB48's overseas expansion. He said, "People in Indonesia were interested in AKB48. That is why we decided to try it in Jakarta. Kids watched AKB on the internet and they want to do the same, but they don't know whether they have talent. Also it's difficult [for them] to go to Japan to audition." Then Rakuten–MNC Chief Marketing Officer Reino Barack recounted of his visit to Japan, "When I watched AKB48's theater performance in Akihabara, I sensed the potential for a new business in Indonesia

2011–2012: Formation
The formation of JKT48 was announced on 11 September 2011 at an AKB48 event held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan. Applicant interviews took place in late September, and the first auditions were held 8–9 October. AKB48 member Minami Takahashi also visited Jakarta during the auditions to promote JKT48 among fans of AKB48. Applicants did not have to be Indonesian citizens, but they must reside in the country. Approximately 1,200 girls auditioned for the group, and 51 were selected to proceed to the second round. Finalists were judged based on their dance performance of "Heavy Rotation", from AKB48's single of the same name, and their performance of a song of their choice. JKT48's 28 first generation members, ages 12–21, were selected on 2 November. JKT48 made its first public appearance on 17 December on the live music program 100% Ampuh on Global TV and performed "Heavy Rotation", with lyrics translated into Indonesian.

JKT48 Theater in fX Sudirman

As part of the concept of "idols you can meet every day", AKB48 performs daily at its theater in Akihabara. The JKT48 management team aimed to accomplish this same principle and began scouting locations in Jakarta for the group's own theater in early 2012. An unoccupied site in the fX Sudirman shopping mall was selected as the theater's eventual location, and planning for its renovation began in April. In the meantime, the first theater performances were held 17–20 May at a temporary stage in the Nyi Ageng Serang Building in Kuningan, Jakarta. The official theater opened on 8 September for daily performances with a set list of 16 songs that have been translated into Indonesian. The theater has a seating capacity of 180 and standing room for 30, and its design is a close replica of the AKB48 Theater.

JKT48 has also performed in Japan alongside other AKB48 sister groups. In its first performance in Japan, the group was a surprise guest at 2011 AKB48 Kōhaku Taikō Uta Gassen and performed the Indonesian version of "Aitakatta". It also performed alongside AKB48 and other sister groups at the 62nd NHK Kōhaku Uta Gassen with a total 210 members onstage. It also participated in the 2012 AKB48 concerts at Saitama Super Arena and Tokyo Dome.

Management began accepting applications for second generation members on 13 August 2012. Of the 4,500 applicants, approximately 200 were selected for interviews the following month. The pool was then narrowed down from 67 to 31 in a selection round held by RCTI television. All 31 finalists were eventually chosen as second generation members at a final audition on 3 November in Japan. Additionally, AKB48 members Aki Takajō and Haruka Nakagawa, whose transfers to JKT48 were announced at the Tokyo Dome concert, officially began their activities with the group on 1 November and made their theater debut on 26 December. Nakagawa became interested in Jakarta during a visit with other members of AKB48 earlier in February

2013–present: Major debut
JKT48 was scheduled to release its debut album in January 2013, but production was hampered because of flooding in Jakarta. To celebrate the release, the group's management team had distributed 100,000 free CD singles. Each single featured an Indonesian version of one of four songs: "Heavy Rotation", "Kimi no Koto ga Suki Dakara", "Baby! Baby! Baby!", and "Ponytail to Shushu". Members, some of whom were directly affected by the flooding, later held a charity event in order to raise funds for the city's relief efforts. The debut album, titled Heavy Rotation, had a limited release at the JKT48 Theater on 16 February and went on sale in music stores nationwide on 2 March. All previously released singles were included in the album.

On 4 February 2014, JKT48 announced the names of 63 finalists that are vying to become JKT48 trainees in the third generation. On 15 February, the group announced and performed its fifth single "Flying Get

There are 64 members in JKT48 split into two performing teams. As members leave the group, their ranks are continuously replenished by trainees. Team J contains 19 members; 16 of whom were selected in the first generation auditions, 2 of which were promoted from second generation trainees. Its remaining member was transferred from the sister group AKB48. Team KIII is formed from 16 second generation members, while the trainees' team contains the five remaining second generation members and 32 3rd generation members

Team J: Ayana Shahab, Beby Chaesara Anadila, Delima Rizky, Devi Kinal Putri (team captain), Dena Siti Rohyati, Frieska Anastasia Laksani, Gabriela Margareth Warouw, Ghaida Farisya, Jennifer Rachel Natasya, Jessica Vania Widjaja, Jessica Veranda Tanumihardja, Melody Nurramdhani Laksani (JKT48 captain), Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia, Rezky Wiranti Dhike, Rica Leyona, Sendy Ariani, Shania Junianatha, Sonia Natalia Winarto, Thalia Ivanka Elizabeth, Haruka Nakagawa

Team KIII: Alicia Chanzia Ayu Kumaseh, Cindy Yuvia, Della Delila, Dwi Putri Bonita, Fakhiryani Harrya Shafariyanti, Jennifer Hanna Sutiono, Lidya Maulida Djuhandar, Nadila Cindi Wantari, Natalia, Noella Sisterina, Novinta Dhini, Priscillia Sari Dewi, Ratu Vienny Fitrilya, Rina Chikano, Riskha Fairunissa, Rona Ariesta Anggreani, Saktia Oktapyani, Shinta Naomi (team captain), Sinka Juliani, Thalia, Viviyona Apriani, Chikano Rina.

Trainees: Alycia Ferryana, Amanda Dwi Arista, Andela Yuwono, Anggie Putri Kurniasari, Anindhita Rahma Cahyadi, Ayu Safira Oktaviani, Chikita Ravenska Mamesah, Elaine Hartanto, Farina Yogi Devani, Feni Fitriyanti, Fransisca Saraswati Puspa Dewi, Indah Permata Sari, Kezia Putri Aandinta, Maria Genenoveva Natalia Desy Purnamasari Gunawan, Martha Graciela, Michelle Christa Kusnadi, Milenia Christien Glory Goenawan, Nadhifa Salsabila, Ni Made Ayu Vania Aurellia, Nina Hamidah, Putri Farin Kartika, Rizka Khalila, Shani Indira Natio, Shania Gracia, Sofia Meifaliani, Stephanie Pricilla Indarto Putri, Syahfira Angela Nurhaliza, Triarona Kusuma, Yansen Indiani, Zeby Magnolia Fawwaz

JKT48 is billed as a "unique idol group with Indonesian culture". Harris Thayeb, President Director of the group's promotional agent Dentsu Media Group Indonesia, believed the group's concept "will make our idols more down to earth, being always nice and able to be greeted anytime". The group was seen as part of the "Cool Japan" brand adopted by the Japanese government to promote the country's culture around the world. JKT48 held a joint concert with AKB48 at the Japan Pop Culture Festival on 25 February 2012 at Balai Kartini in Jakarta. The event was sponsored by the Embassy of Japan, the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs, and the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. According to Junji Shimada, deputy to the Japanese ambassador, AKB48 was invited to perform because of its status as a Japanese pop icon, and the two sister groups represent the friendship between Japan and Indonesia.

Although JKT48 often appears in Indonesia's newspapers and electronic media, as of 2012 the group has yet to generate interest among adults. This is in contrast to AKB48, whose popularity in Japan has made it a household name in its home country. Teenagers and single young men make up the largest portion of the JKT48 and AKB48 fan base. Furthermore, some believe JKT48's idol concept is not representative of Indonesian culture


YearEventAwardNominated WorkResult
2012Yahoo! Indonesia OMG! AwardsBest GroupWon
HAI Readers Music Awards 2012 Best SingleHeavy RotationWon
Best CostumeWon
Best Stage PerformanceWon
Best FreshmeatWon
Best of The Best (non-nominate)Won
JPop Asia Music award 2012Best SingleHeavy RotationNominated
Best MVHeavy RotationNominated
2013100% Ampuh Awards100% Co Cuit (Best Girl Group)Won
Dahsyatnya AwardsBest NewcomerWon
Best Stage PerformanceNominated
Selebrita Awards 2013New Comer of The YearWon
SCTV Music Awards 2013Best GirlbandNominated
KLIK! Awards 2013Favorite NewcomerWon
Indonesian Kids' Choice Awards 2013Favorite Boyband/GirlbandWon
AMI Awards 2013Best Vocal GroupNominated
Best New ComerNominated
Yahoo! OMG Awards Indonesia 2013Best GroupWon
Celeb with Most Die-Hard FansWon
SCTV Awards 2013Best Boy/Girl BandNominated
HAI Readers Music Awards 2013Best Stage ActNominated
Best ConcertPerkenalkan, Nama Kami JKT48Won
Best CostumeWon
Best SingleFortune Cookie Yang MencintaWon
Best Fresh MeatWon
2014Dahsyatnya AwardsBest Duo/CollaborationWon
Best SongRiverWon
Best Stage PerformanceWon
SCTV Music Awards 2014Best Boy/GirlbandNominated
Global Seru Awards 2014Best Stage PerformanceWon
Best SongFortune CookieWon
World Music Awards 2014Best Live ActNominated
Best GroupNominated
Best VideoFortune CookieNominated
Indonesian Kids' Choice Awards 2014Group FavoriteWon
AMI Awards 2014Best Performance ArtistWon
Best ProducerYasushi AkimotoWon

Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

Indonesia Men in Eyes of Japanese Women

This is just a personal observation from the experience of living in Sapporo, cold city in northern Japan, famous for its Snow Festival. Despite Sapporo ranked as the third largest city, the city is quite far from the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan area. Cycling little away from the center of the city, you’ll feel the silence of the field, though still full with typical Japanese apartment which predominantly wooden construction. A Japanese friend once said that in Sapporo clock ticked more slowly than Tokyo. In other words, even with the same work ethic, the Sapporo seems more relaxed than others in Tokyo. However, the typical Japanese person who “workaholic” was also seen in everyday life in Sapporo.

Saturday in Japan is a holiday (to work), but we will still see plenty of men in suits down in Sapporo Station (main station and located in the center of town). suit was the office uniform. This means that, in spite of holiday, many Japanese people, especially men, working overtime. even the same condition we can see on Sunday. On Saturday and Sunday, especially in the summer, you often see the mother and the child walking and enjoying the beauty of Odori Park, Maruyama, or any other park. There are just a walk, sit and even play with children. Odori Park is a city park along the nearly 1.2 km is located in the Centre of the city. In this park in winter, the very famous snow festival where often celebrates. Maruyama is a park in downtown as well, but not in the heart of the city like Odori. In the centre there is a small lake where the people riding the boat in the summer time. that garden is a central for flea market. In the winter, the Park was used as a simple cross-country skiing. What’s interesting is rare to see a father who accompany their children to play. Where appropriate, only has one or two men, usually they are still wearing a suit, which means new homes overtime. The same conditions will be encountered in the subway and malls. Very little visible intact families where the father, mother and son walk together.

It is different from many major cities in Japan, where the values of the family in Sapporo is still quite high. Married, have children and family life, is still part of life that most of the population who live in Sapporo. In contrast to what was observed and explained in Hiroshima, Kobe, Yokohama, and some other major cities.There, very rare to see families playing in the park or to see mothers pushing the strollers. Generally in those city parks is dominated by teenagers who playing with each other.
However, Japan as a whole, men were more dominant than women. In the family, women are responsible for everything from taking care of husbands and households. husband’s job was working for a living. Japanese Novels and movies, both old and new adjust also indicate that indirectly. If a family is going to traveling, then the wife got everything ready. In fact, to prepare and put all things in the car was done by the wife. The husband just went straight into the car and drive. which is often seen at the mall or at the park was equally, husband was never bothered with the matters of a child. Children splattered food, dirty clothes, change hats, clean face, and all the ‘little tasks’ done by the wife.
in Japan, men are superior to women has been seen since a teenager. More than once I saw a young couple, if they were to travel, so that the burden of carrying bag or more is done by woman. Even the few times I’d see, if there was only one bike, then the men must ride the bike, while women is walk !
So that is the Japanese culture and it seems there is no problem with it. This was proven, with hundreds of years of culture like that, the Japanese people continue to survive and progress until now.
Apparently some Japanese women’s view of cultural change as a little more closely familiar with Indonesian citizens who living there. In Sapporo, there are many Japanese people, who are usually female(because men prefer to work and get drunk), often accompanied with students events and Indonesian families. They will observe the simple things, but very unusual when compared with the culture that they run in daily life. The strange thing for them to see the husband washing the dishes, or husbands in the mall carrying groceries, or a husband who closed and locked the door were family will doing trip, or a husband change his son clothes or the husband in the park feed the food to their children. It is also remarkable to see the husband doing Cook and prepare food for his wife, or playing with children while his wife sitting and reading.
They also feel surprised if see some male students from Indonesia always deliver and not allow the female students to go home alone in the night. Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. no fear to go home alone at night. They were even more surprised if knew the reason for not let them alone because fear something would happen on the road, but because of their value as a woman. They feel more surprised if there is someone that is willing to give his bike to riding by them while the owners is walk. There was an event, we walked five, three men (Indonesian students) and two Japanese women. we all bring a bicycle, and very difficult to make and also convince them to use two of our bikes. things become difficult because of the ordinary language and opposite cultural differences. Frankly, when it was offered not because we want to look gentle, but we want them to get home soon. But still very difficult to convince them and in the end we all walk and a bit of delay to get home. In another case, eventually we no longer offer a bike but firmly say, “take this bike or we do not go”.
Incidentally, in a discussion to discuss things, almost all Indonesian people, are people who will listen and respect other people’s opinions. In every discussion, Japanese people are usually quiet and obedient. In many cases, they saw that the Indonesian people have a better culture than their culture, especially in relation to men and women. Two of the three Japanese female friends if asked whether they liked the Indonesian man or not ? Then they will say that they like it and even wanted to marry an Indonesian man. Many Japanese friends who often joined are those aged at least the end of the age of 20 years, which saw the opposite sex is not the handsome and dashing, but more on the characters. The evidence of how ‘famous’ Indonesian man in Japan, at least in Sapporo area alone was found about six families, where their husband was an Indonesian. Perhaps a coincidence, the people of Indonesia who come to Japan are the chosen people. But if we know more about Japanese friends, we’ll know that almost all of them had been to Indonesia, especially to Bali. They already know and interact with Indonesian man ‘directly from the source’. And their opinions have not changed that Indonesian men appreciate women more than Japanese men.

True Story LDR - Long Distance Relationship Indonesia - Japan

True Story LDR - Long Distance Relationship
(Indonesia - Japan)

This story about indonesia and japanese people...

Did you've long distance relationship. if hasn't been, you have to tried this one!!!

Indonesia Boy as " Lucky " or Me
Japanese Girl as " Hiroko "

Telling my heart to her

Lucky loves japan, such as the culture, language, anime, warm people include the woman
so chatting with japanese people in facebook in Pico app. The first his intentions is to learn the Japanese language.
But Lucky friend have japan friend, so Lucky start chatting with hiroko. Hiroko is Lucky friend in facebook too...
Before, this gilr really love indonesia too like a culture and friendly people...

a few days, they exchange id skype...
after a few days chatting on skype, she bought a webcam.  I can see her face directly in skype, honestly I liked her. LOL...

The day after tomorrow, i tell my feeling to her that i love her. and she rejected his love cause she can't trust with long distance reletionship. But a few days later she accepted his love, but just make a relation on internet


About 3 month since she accept me, she want to met with Lucky/me and she said to flight to indonesia. and i asked her to know my friend. My friend work in Embassy of Japan in Indonesia. So my girl asked to my friend about indonesia. cause she scared to came to indonesia because her mother say " have terrorist in indonesia, you wanna die in there " and she listen from a lot of news too. But before she had 3 times come to jakarta, indonesia...

But she really want to go, although her mother do not allow.
After my friend tell about indonesia to my girlfriend, she believe that indonesia as not as bad story of my mother. and news about terrorist in indonesia it's just hoax...

And few days, She bought a ticket to flight to Jakarta, Indonesia and she sent her money to booking a hotel

First time meet with her

19 Januari 2012, i picked up her in Soekarno Hatta International Airport.
Her friend and boyfriend also picked up hiroko too in airport. We have make a deal that we will met in 2 gate

After 30 minute, i back to first gate and i see a beautiful girl, short, and she's talking with taxi driver
I try to closer to her and i spell her name and she smile too me. hahahaha
When she met to me, i thought she will say "we brake" LOL
She's more beautiful in my eyes when i met with her, then on skype...
and her friend call her and we go to friend's house

I hesitate she loves me, but when we walk to the mall in jakarta, her hand always hold my hand and i believe to her that she loves me

This story when she cry...

When i asked her to bandung, i asked her to bird market. A lot of people look at us.
She cried also screamed and she said "don't looked me, i'm beautiful but please don't looked me" (japanese language)

And i ride a motorcycle with her and she screamed fears and she said "kowai kowai" in japanese language (it's means she scared) she also amazed with a road motorcycle and jammed full

So many stories we have, but cause this is about privacy. LOL

This their Picture

This ring symbol of our loyalty
Vacation in hill with arab tourists
Public transportion is Angkot

Photo updated on January, 27

Source by Kaskus

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

26 Photos That Will Make You Want To Visit Indonesia

26 Photos That Will Make You Want To Visit Indonesia

There’s nothing more standard than going to a place like Hawaii or Mexico for vacation. Get a little different and head to a place like Indonesia instead. The culture is amazing, the pools are spectacular (especially in Bali), and the water looks amazing. There are also tons of solid resorts in town to get your R&R on, with plenty of other adventurous to go on when exploring. Scope these photos and try to tell yourself you don’t want to see in person…

Photo by Monyet Selfie

Photo by Scotty Graham

Photo by Ario Wibisono

Photo by David Doubilet

Photo by Justin Carmack

Photo by Ayana Resort & Spa

Photo by Sean White

Photo by Reto Fröhlicher

Photo by Shawn Heinrichs

Photo by Olivier Grunewald

Photo by Alila Villas Uluwatu

Photo by Ario Wibisono

Photo by James Khoo

 Photo by Como Shambhala Estate

Photo by David Olkarny

Photo by Ayana Resort

Photo by Marco Fulle

Photo by Olivier Grunewald

Photo by Trey Ratcliff

Photo by George Steinmetz

Photo by Budi Prakasa

Photo by Thierry Matsaert

Photo by Chee Seong

Photo by Jonathan

Photo by Jessy Eykendorp

Photo by Teguh Dwi Cahyani